hi there!
its 1:31 AM. writing in this time will be assumed unusual. but it was very regular some month ago.
nothing new is happened. some repetitive actions to live. awaking up, eating, drinking,sleeping, running for nothing.
i'm not searching about something valuable to debate about that in this writing. just typing ...
and releasing a feel mixed of neglects and regrets. it is good to mention i'm listening to Darvish song from Golpa.
we almost speak in irregular language when we seek for a stranger to listen to us, or just hear our meaningless voice.
i'm actually in this situation. thinking about is everything an accident?
the question! how can others don't care about this. how i can't see the doubt every minute in their eyes?
i'm tired.
anyway. i believe any side you choose to live there, you should believe that. and do your best, its very awkward to just play the role of a side, be yourself. live the way you choose. (i change the song to Neghab from Siavash this moment).
live in your own way. don't be only a soldier. an actor. you are the director. cut the sequences. shout aloud. i am what i want.
at least i will be. oh! cowardice is enough. how many time actually did i live????